Wanting a career as a medical billing specialist, with the attendant medical billing salary that comes along with it, is not a desire to be taken lightly. With such financial importance at stake, doctors, hospitals and healthcare institutions look to hire medical billing and coding specialists who are skilled and well trained in their particular fields. Some often look for qualifications acquired from those training programs specifically designed by industry professionals and their associations.

Today, training courses for medical billing specialists and medical coders are wide ranging and cover many diverse areas. This is because there are many responsibilities that come under the billing and coding umbrella and it is a career that embraces just about every aspect of the healthcare industry. To reach proficiency in this profession, proper and basic training is required. Additionally, specialists following a medical billing and coding career require clinical supervision and ongoing education.

However, if you initially aim to apply for a job in a smaller, more local healthcare practice, you may find that they are happy to offer 'on the job' training or may be satisfied with a certificate from a home study course.. But if you aspire to a career in the wider medical billing market, and the higher level of salary that comes with it, you will soon realize that you need more than a certificate from a home study course to compete effectively. In fact, those who rise to the top of the earnings ladder will undoubtedly have studied at a formal vocational educational institution and may even have studied for some years to attain an associate degree. Employment competition is harsh and in order to remain at the forefront, you will need all the necessary skills, tools and training possible to give you the edge.

Training on the Job

Any such training will be completely in the hands of the employer. Depending on the type of training offered, your existing skills may develop further in depth and breadth.

Each medical office is different from the rest. When you take up your first post as a medical billing specialist, your supervisor will be responsible for making sure you are working well and as required. Often, your supervisor will spend a great deal of time training you personally so that they can be sure that you know exactly what you should be doing and are confident in the execution of your duties. The process can take several weeks and maybe even months but will still only cover the basic skills.It could take up to two years to reach that level of proficiency which veteran professionals have.


Proficiency is what appeals to employers the most. Anyone can manage billing and accounts payable but only very few can actually handle it with the degree of accuracy and efficiency which the field has come to expect.

Medical billing specialists must be proficient in identifying data as it relates to submitting an insurance claim for reimbursement. You must also have a thorough working knowledge of the rules involved.

If you can give an employer these things and are prepared to apply yourself to your own education and advancement, then you can look forward to a long and successful career in medical billing and coding and will reap the rewards a medical billing salary will bring.